Solved! Pulse Noise, from new Asus ultrabook (SSD only) Video attached

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Jan 13, 2019
I bought the new Asus Zenbook UX433 ultrabook.

After few days of operation, I noticed it started to make these strange pulse noised, in a sporadic way. sometimes it would be heard every 30-40 seconds, and sometimes not heard at all:

(turn up the sound and hear it towards second 00:03 of the video)

I was hoping this issue wasn't on the whole series, so I returned the notebook and received a new one as replacement. It took just one day and the noise came back on the new device too.

This is not a coil whine. the sound is a pulse, or some sort of basketball drop.
It sure isn't from the speakers (I disabled the sound to be sure, also I connected to external speakers). It has only SSD, no HDD.

Any idea what is causing it, and whether there is a fix? how's it possible I'm having this issue second time in a row, but didn't read about it on any review so far?
It may well just be a normal sound for that device. Since you only recorded one, it is hard to tell. However, if it bothers you that much, you may have to consider just returning it and get a different device.
This sound is from the fan, i disassembly the laptop , it's start and stop. Are you having problems with the sound?? sometimes i hear like if the cpu are Used at 100% like slow motion, and i need to restart to solve the problema.
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