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Dan <> shaped the electrons to say:
>Nevermind, I bought a ReplayTV with built-in ethernet.
Just curious - but you know the RTV supports fewer networking features
than TiVo now, and is no longer being developed, right?
Both TiVo and RTV now support transferring shows to/from a PC,
multi-room viewing (sharing between units in a home), and web based
TiVo also supports music playback and photo viewing, Home Media Engine
(an API for 3rd party developers with a number of cool applications
already out there, the best being Galleon), and they're getting ready
to rollout broadband content delivery.
Frankly I think the other TiVo feature, like the entire scheduling
system, beats the pants off RTV's system.
So what swayed you to buy RTV?
<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me.
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-852-2171

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/> Eris