Questions about making VCD..


Feb 13, 2002
1) Converting avi to VCD
I want to convert avi to VCD. Can you give me some softwares that can do this? I have used EO Video to convert avi files into VCD format. Then used Nero to create VCD.

2) Converting rm to VCD
Can you convert rm (I think it's real audio format) to VCD? Which softwares do I need?

3) Converting MPEG to VCD
Can I just create VCD from MPEG? or Do I have to convert MPEG to VCD format first?

Any information is appreciated. Thank you.

Go to <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> and read up.

Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.
1) You can actually convert (if i remember rightly) directly in Nero, although if you've got a system that works then stick with it.
2) i'm not aware of many programs that'll allow you to convert from Real Media into anything else. But that site suggested above will have it if it's there.
3) VideoCD IS MPEG1, but it's just the MPEG1 file that has been laid out in a particular folder structure with some other little pieces of information added to its structure so that a DVD player (or whatever you play it on) can understand it.
So the MPEG1 file is in fact still there, not converted. And you can check this out too by finding a VCD, and just 'copying' in windows the big DAT file, then renaming it.

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Converting to another media format from Real Audio is illegal. So you can't find any legal softwares that will allow you to convert RM files to another format. I use a program that converts rm's to wav, mp3 and wma. It's Streambox Ripper 2.009. Strembox faced lawsuits for this software and had to stop marketing this software. There were a version 2.011 that had no rm coversion feature. Now mp versions of Streambox Ripper is unavailable and not supported by Streambox Inc.

I got it from a warez site. I can't remember the site. Search using Google to get it from the net.
Just wanted to ammend a little detail i made above - i think the ability to just 'copy and rename' DAT files to MPEG1 may have been hasty - i know that i could do it all the time with VideoCD (2.0) cds made with Nero, but since for some reason that escapes me Nero Burning ROM is now completely blue-screening me whenever i try to load the program, i now use Stomp's RecordNow MAX. This only makes VideoCD (1.0 or 1.1 i dont know), and it simply doesnt work to copy the DAT file, it's been converted somehow.
I'm still looking into this, but as for my above post you now know otherwise...

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