Razer Kraken 7.1 Left Speaker Shorting Out

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Wesley Newsome

Sep 10, 2013
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the Razer kraken 7.1 Gaming Headset.

Is anyone else having an issue with the Left Speaker shorting out or getting muffled after the most recent Synapse update? I've had the headset for a month and have taken very good care of it so if there is a faulty piece.. that is a pretty serious concern to me.

Looking through many forums, people are saying to switch to 5.0 audio but I have had no issues with 7.1 now and 5.0 never appears in Synapse for me. Just 7.1 and 2.0 Stereo.

Any help with this issue would be great. Listening to LoL LCS right now and the volume difference between the left and right speaker is about 15% - 100% and is extremely annoying for games like Battlefield or any other surround sound game.
I just started getting this exact same problem today. I've had my razer kraken 7.1 about 9 months and just today the right ear started being really quiet. I can still hear it, but just barely.

I went up to Bestbuy and just purchased a new one (exact same model) thinking I just had defective hardware. Plugged in the new one and its doing the exact same thing.

I've re-installed the drivers a few times and rebooted multiple times. I have no idea why its doing this

***EDIT: Found a fix, updating this so other people can find this through Google searches as I was unable to find anything.

(keep in mind I'm on windows 7) I uninstalled razer synapse, rebooted. Once I was back on windows, I went to Control panel>Hardware and sound>Device manager> Sound, video and game controllers, Found razer kraken 7.1 in there and uninstalled it. Rebooted again, installed synapse, rebooted, and it worked.

I hope this helps anyone who got the same problem I did

Hi, i have tried it multiple times, but nothing. I am also using win 7 (profesional). I have no idea why it is not working. Did you leave kraken pluged in through all this process ?


I Found a different way to fix the issue without re installing anything...
Apparently the new update screwed up the audio balance settings for my Razer Kraken 7.1 mine were 7 on left and 38 on the right. so here is how to fix it:

1:Right click on the sound icon on the toolbar
2:Click "Playback devices"
3:Click on the "Razer Kraken 7.1" then click the "Properties button that will pop up.
4:Click on "levels" then click the "Balance and level out the volumes till they match.

I found this out through hours of troubleshooting. I was even about to re-install windows 7 i was so pissed off.
Hope this Helps!!!

You are my hero right now..
This is the first time I've replied in this forum, but now I just had to. I'm an IT specialist, dealing with this kind of stuff basically on a daily basis, naturally I started deleting drivers, system32 driver packages, rebooted many times, reinstalled drivers and synapse, uninstalled my mobo audio drivers, safe mode, already thought about taking them for an RMA tomorrow , connected them to a laptop I have, which assured me the headphones are fine and the issue is with my PC. was starting to think about reinstalling my windows 8.1.. Never even thought about the stupid balance thingie, 'cause naturally I always go for the hardest, toughest solutions..
Anyway bro, I'd buy you a beer if I could. THANK YOU!

Can't believe it! Here I am thinking I was going to have to return the product, low and behold. This was the exact problem!

Any clue as to why it just magically changed on it's own?
YES! Same problem here, I just got these recently, had no problems, then suddenly left speaker was low one day. I did all the same uninstall reinstall etc, and it turned out just to be the balance was set unevenly in properties. Thank you for the solution, I thought I had to return them as well. If I had to guess why this happens, It may just be the fact that they are USB and are prone to strange "resets" in windows, unlike a 3.5mm jack.


I have this problem with my Razer Kraken Pro headset as well, but your fix doesn't apply to my circumstances. I bought these for use with my newly bought nVIDIA Shield, which if you don't know, is a small tablet with a controller attached to it currently running Android KitKat 4.4.3 that can stream games from a PC that meets the set standards. That's why I chose the Razer Kraken Pros, because of the fact that i can plug it into a mobile device without an adapter with the nice sounding boom mic. The left ear sounds like it isn't outputting anything when you have the headset fully on, but if you slide the right off of your ear, you can hear the left ear at about 10%-20%. And, thinking of the worse circumstances, I, anxiously plugged in another headset into my nVIDIA Shield ad it worked fine. So then I plugged the Razer Kraken Pro into my office computer (Without Razer Synapse or anything) and I have the same problem. I understand that installing Razer Synapse on my office computer might fix it, but what about on my nVIDIDA Shield or any other mobile device I want to use it with?
Try this solution instead of the uninstall/reinstall thing. The actual problem is the balance from left to right is off (not equal on both sides)

I Found a different way to fix the issue without re installing anything...
Apparently the new update screwed up the audio balance settings for my Razer Kraken 7.1 mine were 7 on left and 38 on the right. so here is how to fix it:

1:Right click on the sound icon on the toolbar
2:Click "Playback devices"
3:Click on the "Razer Kraken 7.1" then click the "Properties button that will pop up.
4:Click on "levels" then click the "Balance and level out the volumes till they match.



Try pushing the quiet one in towards your head. If it makes a pop then some noise then its normal.

Oh my god! You fixed it! Thank you so much for this. I've been really annoyed with this for the last couple days.


This worked! Thank you so much! =D

i found that if you open up your sound devices and go into properties on the headset, then balance, you can adjust the volume that each individual speaker is putting out, i rebalanced mine and now they are working fine
hope this helps :)

Omg, you helped me too! I was getting really frustated and thought my left ear was failing or something XD But I tried my other kraken(forged edition) and there I didden't have it. So I asumed something was wrong with my 7.1, but this fixed !

Oh my god. This is what I needed. Went through 2 headsets trying to fix this.
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