Removing a remembered password in Outlook 2003

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Apr 8, 2011

We use Outlook 2003 client to connect to a 2010 Exchange server on another domain. We use RPC over HTTP. I havea particular user who appears to have a problem accessing shared calendars, the error message is "the Exchange server is unavailable" - I have changed the authentication method from NTLM to basic, which allows some to be seen, but not others. When I change it back again, some others are available but not all of them. It is intermittent and annoying!

The only thing I can think of is that her password is stored somewhere as she doesn't have to authenticate every time she connects (which is our preferred method).

So I need to know how to force the authentication at every logon.
I usually find the easiest way to resolve Outlook issues is to just remove the user's profile from the affected machine.
This is fine, so long as the user does not have their mail stored on the local machine or have a lot of local settings configured.
Once removed (Start / Settings / Mail / Remove profile) then start Outlook and it will automatically rebuild the profile from scratch and with luck, without the problem.
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