Right channel not working on my marantz cd 67


Mar 25, 2011

i have an old Marantz CD67 cd player which has recently started to only play from the left channel. Have checked connections and all other sources and it is only from cd.
Do I need to clean the lens perhaps? Help would be welcome.
what happens when you switch left with right CD audio outputs?
does the problem stay on the same side? or does it switch sides?
switches sides, CD problem
stays the same, amp problem
narrow that down first.
connect the output of the CD to a different input on the amp, such as tape input or AUX input, now try it again.
are you still convinced it's the CD player?
wiggle gently the RCA output jack on the CD player, does the the audio cut in and out? does the jack seem to be loose?

have you tried connecting the cd player to aac or minidisc plyer via coax or optical out put as this may solve the problem
sorry blue boy i mistyped it should say dac or minindisc player as this is how my 67 se is set up