Rveal TV Box... Too good to be true?

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Jul 26, 2016
My wife and I stumbled across this device and what it promises seems too good to be true and possibly illegal. Does anybody know anything about this thing?
Android systems are pretty rock solid and I doubt Amazon would sell an illegal product so openly.

That said, the first rule of the Internet is "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is" so give it a few months before spending money on it.
Android systems are pretty rock solid and I doubt Amazon would sell an illegal product so openly.

That said, the first rule of the Internet is "if it looks too good to be true, it probably is" so give it a few months before spending money on it.


Oct 30, 2015
more than likely it runs an "open systems" software package on an android platform. Since it does not make specific mention to any particular "add-on" that "might" be "snatching" content in a less than legal fashion, it is probably not going to catch much attention (from "sources unnamed") other than the "free tv jibe". Whether the platform is capable enough to handle all content streams along with its menuing / interface is a question but lots of media centers out there in the same price range do OK. The main question is what kind of "add-on" support do they provide and how easy is it for you to get at them if the need arises as the add-ons change often... cause some "people" are always "looking" for them... :)

looks like its just a "copy" of this box... Zenoplige Google Android 4.4.2 Quad Core TV Box which can be had for less than $100
Most of these Android TV boxes are sold with Kodi preinstalled with a selection of KODI addons. Very common to see ads on Craigslist for Chromesticks & Firesticks too,
Kodi (originally XBMC) is home theater freeware that runs on many platforms. The addons give you access to tons of streamed video. You can download Kodi and install it on any computer if you want to try it. Some versions are preconfigured, Other require a bit of messing around to add depositories that contain multiple add ones. Some addons are for specific websites. These can be accessed with a browser too so are probably legal and you avoid ads.
Others such as Exodus (most popular addon) amalgamates from many streams almost any video with multiple sources.
There are music addons too.


Jul 29, 2016
These devices run on Kodi and it seems that Rveal provides a service for it and premium add-ons. Based on the reviews along and their ranking on Amazon I would definitely give it a try. You can always return it if you're unhappy.


Dec 30, 2016
Have a friend that was tired of paying one of the satellite providers the insane monthly amount, bought one of these and swears by it, states he has all the premium packages he had b4 and more. Of course you need a good ISP and a good speed to use it.


Jul 29, 2016

Yeah, its great. I am a big Lakers fan, even though there isn't much to cheer about this season, and I haven't missed one game thanks to the Rveal box. It truly does what it says. I have 20Mbps download speed and experience no buffer, even during big events, and especially when I watch on-demand stuff like movies and TV shows. I recommend them.

Two new posters, one old thread and total agreement between them. That would be suspicious if they lived in different States.

Most teams who behave like that degenerate into posting Commercial Spam and get their accounts banned. You folks wouldn't want that to happen, would you?
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