Sager Laptop no longer turns on *again*


Jun 13, 2015
The first time the laptop broke i sent it back to Sager they reported a motherboard failure and fixed it after a hefty fee. About 9 months later it seems to have broken again except in a even more spectacular fashion.

I was playing a game when the laptop suddenly shut off with no warning. The battery was charged at 100%. I can no longer turn the laptop back on, The battery light is green when it's connected, the power light is orange when it's plugged in. Whenever i try to turn it on the power light just blinks green once and then back to orange. If i hold the power button it will blink repeatedly. I have tried removing the battery+unplugging it and holding the power button for 1 minute before plugging it back in but that has not worked.

Does this sound like yet another motherboard failure or maybe something that's possible to fix? What are the warranty policies for Sager repairs? I heard it was 6 months but i am uncertain.
Hi John, your correct one of the parts of your laptop mobo is bad, particularly in gpu chipset. There are standby power that ready to trigger to power on the system. But it will turn back because of the chipset cannot be loaded might be the connection of the chipset to the mobo circuit board us disconnected. Now all you need to do is to bring that laptop to a service center for the reheating that chipsets of mobo that possibly disconnected. Then go back and tell us the improvement.

Er what? How can you determine this just from the laptop shutting down not powering up. Aside from the fact its incoherent.


John, a lot of things can cause this and yes one of them could be motherboard failure. I would try to leave the battery out for a while to see if that resets anything. Sometimes, ridiculously, removing and reinstalling the memory can ensure everything is clear (if the PC is stuck in a sleep or hibernate state for some reason). Try that first. Otherwise yes I would call Sager, since they repaired kit last and unfortunately with a laptop there is little more troubleshooting you can do.
I've had the laptop unplugged with the battery out for several hours, i am really hoping that somehow this will randomly fix it. It might be hard to access the memory on this particular laptop. As for Sager solution it would really depend if their motherboard warranties are 1 year+ as this laptop is 3 years old now and i am unsure if i really want to have to pay another $400-500 for them to replace the motherboard again when the replacement only lasted 9 months.

Something i just noticed, without the laptop plugged in, but with the battery *that should be charged* connected the laptop does not even have the led flicker it has when plugged in. I wonder if this has some sort of significance.

Hi John don't waste your time in doing such testing, because I had really encounter that trouble before. That mode of your laptop through the LED indicator is the mobo problem. Thats commonly in gpu chipset, you need to bring it in Sager, they have a heater their to bring back the mobo in good condition. Aside that much better if that mobo of your laptop is warranty or your laptop alone, claim your warranty.


Well if i did have a warranty i would not spend much time thinking about it and just send it in but i think that Sager repair warranty is only 6 months which would put this out of warranty. Last time they had to replace the entire motherboard and charged me between 4-500 dollars and if that's the only option for me it's better off to just save towards a new pc instead.

Ok think of it, that is your decision, but try to question them, why its always your mobo have a failure always even that mobo is newly purchase and installed in your laptop.


Are you telling him they need to "reflow" his motherboard (a common temporary fix for the Xbox and some GPUs). You really should avoid making up answers like that, that doesn't even make sense and there is no way you could know that this happened. Not only that its a motherboard that is only a few years old. The issue that reflowing fixes is on GPUs and xboxes that have been used for years, and has never shown to be evident on laptops.


It could be a power issue, or stuck in a sleep state. Either way unfortunately there is little you can do other than the memory trick I mentioned, and trying to plug it back in after a few hours w/o battery and wall power.

If that doesn't work its unlikely Sager will repair your motherboard contrary to the fanciful stories of using a heater posted above. But it may well need to be replaced again. Only they can tell.

That said I would reconsider Sager if I were you.

I'll leave the laptop for longer with it unplugged/no battery. I had it out for about 8-9 hours but that was not enough for any change. I'm basically up for trying most things that don't involve sending it to Sager unless i get confirmation that their motherboard repair warranties are 1 yr+ because at about 3 years old it's really not worth paying for another replacement.

What I mean is a rework station, or hotair we called in the Philippines, like the one we use to reheat the mainboard of cellphone. Other equipment called BGA, it will remove microchip reball it and or replace a microchip or chipset. But this machine is expensive compare to hotair use to reheat. Only can perform this is the qualified technician.

This is the very complex problem of Laptop, this is not a memory problem its a problem of vga chip its called cold sadder of the connection of the chip to the circuit board. This commonly cause of the overuse of Laptop. Most especially if you use the laptop for gaming and over time playing or using your laptop. If you resolve it by removing RAM, it will back the error in coming days. All you have to do is to replace the mobo or reheat the possible chips got this problem. Like also reheating using hotair or vga machine, this will perform only by a qualified tech.

Yes thats exactly what I am talking about that you are saying to use.

Laptop motherboards do not have those issues.

There is no way you could know this is the issue with his laptop.

His laptop is fairly new and has a newer motherboard and its a higher end gaming laptop made for heavy use. Hes not overusing it. Let it go.

Yes sir I salute with you that, so he can remove the RAM and clean the contact pin, try to exchange the RAM into another slots, and also try to remove the battery pack. He can test to powerup without the battery. Try this if this can resolve the problem


I have already tried it without the battery and other combinations of that, and unfortunately none of them work. For now the most i can do is let it sit for a another day or so unplugged and without the battery while i wait for a response from Xotic/Sager regarding my motherboard repair warranty.

I feel like it would be pretty hard for any parts to dislodge from this laptop because it's basically used as a desktop replacement where it just sits on a desk and doesn't move.

Base of my experience before through my customer I interview them why their laptop cause problem that have a same value of problem like no display and hang-up. I gather through them that they overuse their laptop in a longer time. Because their are factors that we use it wrongly, hardware failure because of electrical faults, accidentally drop, or even wrongly loaded with high bandwidth softwares that not compatible.

If this laptop design in gaming it might be the cause of the problem is electrical faults that cause to failure the hardware or a software.