Samsung Galaxy J5 problem transfering apps to SD card

Mar 21, 2018
I bought an SD card for my 12 day old samsung galaxy j5 2017 phone, and it won't transfer apps to the SD card. When i try doing it, it says there is not enough memory, even if the 16GB SD card is pretty much empty and i still have around 4GB of internal storage left. I tried formatting the SD card, both via PC and via the phone, I tried finding the option to set the SD card as the default place to install apps, all without success. By the way, the android version is 7.0.

as i said, i tried doing exactly that, only to get an error saying there isnt enough memory. The 16GB SD card is pretty much empty, and I still have around 4GB of internal storage left so that is clearly not the case.

Does the SD card show up normally if you look in the storage manager? I am guessing you tried rebooting the phone already?

Yes it shows up normally and i did tried rebooting it