Samsung Galaxy S3 - Flashed to Boost


Aug 26, 2007
Hi. I have the above phone, flashed to work from Sprint to Boost Mobile. It works fine, but 2 issues.

1. There is an update I keep getting asked to install, but I fear it will undo the flash to boost. The phone is rooted, so any suggestions on which rom I should install? I want something with all the latest features, but won't kill my flash and looks as stock as possible.

2. I don't get very good data bandwidth. Actually, its horrible, even though it uses the Sprint network. Any ideas?

Thanks a ton.
CyanogenMod is the best ROM out there, IMHO. That's what I run on my device. It's basically stock droid with improvements, such as CPU controls and such.

Also, if you have unlocked your phone - flashing a ROM will not undo that. The network lock is in an entirely different part of the phone than the OS.

I don't know a whole lot about US carriers - what is Sprint's network? LTE? 4G? You can download the app from for your phone to test your current connection speed. I'd call them up after and ask if it's within expectation or is under-performing.