Sansui Turntable


Feb 4, 2010
I am selling a vintage Sansui 923 Turntable in excellent condition and do not know what I should sell it for. I bought it in Japan in 1976. I have all the manuals and is in excellent cond. Where could I find pricing info.
I have been looking for a decent Sansui turntable to go with my AU-717 and TU-717 amp and tuner. I am not familiar with that model number but think it may be comparable to an sr-636, sr-838 or sr-929. You could find pictures of those turntables and compare them to yours.
It could be a version that was made for the military BX/PX that American GI's bought and brought home. I don't know if you can post a picture, that might help. I might be interested in it, but would need to have a little more information.

Go to a website called Audio Asylum and you will find many vintage tables there including yours.

Got any pictures of turntable? Condition, does it still play?
you will find many vintage tables there including yours.