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Larry <> writes:
> I am about to undertake the scanning of photos going back to the
> early/middle 50s. The default resolution is 150. Is that okay or do I need
> to increase it to 300 or more. The photos will be b/w and colour.
Are you scanning film (negatives or slides) or prints?
150 or 300 are decent values for prints (anything over 300 is almost
certainly a waste of time, unless you have exceptionally fine glossy
prints). They're grotesquely inadequate for film.
What do you plan to *do* with these scans? Are they intended to be
final archival scans, or do you just need them for a web site, or is
it some intermediate plan?
The two basic approaches to scanning are "get every bit of information
I can out of the picture" and "get the amount of information I need to
do X".
David Dyer-Bennet, <>, <http

RKBA: <http

/> <http

Pics: <http

/> <http

Dragaera/Steven Brust: <http

/> Much of which is still down