Scientists Grow Sperm and Eggs From Stem Cells

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We need to grown artificial sperm? Aren't there enough teenage boys out there?


Sep 15, 2009
theyve got to stop this now! how many men who earn thier livleyhood by donating to sperm banks going to get by? in the fanancially constrained world we now live in, i feel for them!

(btw, this is meant to be humourous!)


Apr 18, 2008
I always wanted a tube baby =D No not really....

Anyway, as for Genesis 1:31, the term 'good' actually in that situation meant perfect. The fact remains that 'good' was corrupted by evil (sin) which was not god's doing, hence he remains perfect even though we are corrupted (quite a bit I might add).


Sep 12, 2009
You do need to change the article title to at least "trying" or "will grow" instead of the current one which implies that they already are at it... When on the papers its 5 years away from happening.

On topic: you have to be fn kidding me. The fact it comes as in planted seeds in order to grow from someone else what is the difference from implanted eggs and sperm which is again from 3rd ppl and not the host's himself? I really dont see the difference other than the excuse as in what they do to raise reactions.


Jan 27, 2009
I'm concerned. If people that are unable to conceive a child are made to, will their children have the same problem? Are there other reasons why the two people in question cannot have a child? Perhaps nature knows what it is doing sometimes? It baffles me that we breed animals in an attempt to achieve the best possible outcome, but when it comes to breeding people we bend over backwards to make it possible for people who can't or shouldn't breed able to. It's as if we are trying to get the worst possible outcome.

Flame On!


Dec 16, 2008
[citation][nom]tomrippity02[/nom]Not if he had the intention for us to be imperfect. Genesis Chapter 131 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. 31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.[/citation]

And then the night came and he got bored. He decided to sit at his newly created kick-ass 10000000 core computer build, popped open a cold one (an American beer it was), and played Far Cry. All the while he waited for the misses to come home, she did not, and so he created Eve.


Dec 16, 2008
[citation][nom]turboedge[/nom]I'm concerned. If people that are unable to conceive a child are made to, will their children have the same problem? Are there other reasons why the two people in question cannot have a child? Perhaps nature knows what it is doing sometimes? [/citation]

With thinking like that I would be concerned also.

Of course there are reasons why people can't have children. Maybe the male masturbated as a child, maybe they had sex standing up, etc.

Nature does not know what it is doing...things happen. People die, people have babies, and I'm a PC.


Aug 14, 2009
"Scientists are reportedly five years away from creating producing artificial sperm and eggs." "creating producing" needs a fix there buddy. This article is full of typos and even the heading is flawed, "Scientists Grow Sperm and Eggs From Stem Cells" and right below it says "in several years this will happen." It's like it just happened but it's still being researched. This reminds me of a high-school freshman current event paper.


Apr 5, 2007
[citation][nom]xupaguy[/nom]did the sperm or the egg come first?[/citation]
I think they both happened at the same time during the big "bang". But then, if there is only the sperm and the egg was there any banging to begin with?

[citation][nom]buwish[/nom]Somewhere Darwin is crying...[/citation]
I think you mean rolling in his grave.

Future headline... "Test tube on food stamps has 8 babies, What was the doctor thinking"


Aug 3, 2009
The new Birth Certificate form will now have a "Born In" field for those who are naturally conceived, there is a "Made In" field for those artificially produced.


Jul 1, 2009
First off, its illegal to use Human Embryos in the US thanks to George W, so all you Bible Thumber can suck it, the stem cells they use now come from human skin cells, its more expensive but it works, so NO CHILDREN WERE KILLED FOR THIS RESEARCH you friggen pious toolbags.

Second all of you A holes who are criticising this because people who cannot have kids shouldnt be able to well let me tell you that it sucks not being able to have a kid when you want one. And not always a genetic issue anyways, sometimes women get raped violently so they cant have kids any more ever think of that you jack asses? Sometimes ovarian cists occur (and just so you know a cist comes from drinking water, its not genetic) and need to have half their female plumbing taken out or a full hystorectomy (such as my wife in her early 20's) in order to live, so for these types of people, this is a wonderful discovery.

But you pricks need to think before you type, so many of you are all so full of yourselves and think your so friggen smart, but you come across as heartless douch bags.


May 9, 2006
[citation][nom]ikefu[/nom]People who argue that science makes religion irrelevant or that religion proves science flawed is an uneducated ignorant fool. They co-exists quite nicely if people would get off their high horses from both sides of the isle.I'm a Christian and believe that God created the Universe through the Big Bang and that he created the laws of Physics and Evolution as a tool to create humans. People need to step back and open their eyes, both Christians and atheist scientists. Science will never replace religion to answer the ultimate origin and meaning of life questions just as religion will never answer the specifics and methods of creation questions because they were never intended for those purposes.[/citation]

[citation][nom]aford10[/nom]I understand the religious/scientific debate. I admire both sides. However, from the Christian side of it, I think God gave us the ability to do these scientific miracles. So, I don't think it's anti-religiion to explore it and reap the benefits.[/citation]

Although personally I am a strong atheist, I would like to thank both of you for showing that it is possible to believe in God without being a pious douchebag (as is the stereotype).

I personally have Christian, Muslim and Buddhist friends. All of them great people, because they know that first and foremost they are human beings instead of followers of a faith.


Jan 27, 2009
[citation][nom]boogalooelectric[/nom]Second all of you A holes who are criticising this because people who cannot have kids shouldnt be able to well let me tell you that it sucks not being able to have a kid when you want one.[/citation]
Hey I know all about that thank you. My sister had to have an operation to have her son. That does not mean I agree. I also know, being an adopte, that there are lots of babies and children that are unwanted or have parents that are unable to care for them. Perhaps if some or all of the money that was being spent deciphering the baby code was instead used to help these children there might be less of them in the system.
Please don't cry for me either. I was lucky, adopted at birth by my grandparents. It sure beat the alternative, trashcan..what do they call them..embryo.


Jun 7, 2009
[citation][nom]Yoder54[/nom]With thinking like that I would be concerned also_Of course there are reasons why people can't have children. Maybe the male masturbated as a child, maybe they had sex standing up, etc.Nature does not know what it is doing...things happen. People die, people have babies, and I'm a PC.[/citation]

Was that comment meant to be as stupid as it was?


Jan 1, 2002
While I can appreciate the caring sentiments of those that have religious acquaintances, it does not excuse the absurdity of the idea that God exists, especially in the many contexts that have been perpetuated by man. It is without question, no more silly to believe in God than it is any other made up fantasy.

Should there be any doubt, I ask just one simple question: If God created man and all that we know, then who created God? If a God created God, then who created the God that created God. See a pattern? I'm sure some would argue that nobody created God and that God has always existed. Should this be the case, then I would argue that the Universe has always existed, and I sound a lot less crazy saying it. There never was a beginning and there will never be and end, only a change in state. It is impossible to comprehend infinity, so we never will. It isn't something that can be solved, only accepted.

The bottom line is, though the Universe may be infinite, the state of matter and energy is not. Some day this planet will no longer be able to sustain life due to any number of infinite variables. Our time in existence is short, so we might as well make the best of it while we can. Science forbid that we are able to extend our chances of survival by using our knowledge of technology to better ourselves and find new places to call home long after Earth has expired.

If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
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