Sending messages to Facebook from my Gmail


Sep 24, 2011
Greetings fellow tom'shardwarians, I have an internet conundrum.

I personally can't stand Facebook. Not so much all the privacy invasion issues (though those are valid concerns), really what bugs me is the idea of having a dozen email/social-networking/messaging services. I would love to be able to do it all from Gmail, and that's all. The problem is that a lot of my friends now check their Facebook exclusively. If I send something to their hotmail it might take them 3 weeks to answer, but they check their Facebook 3 times in a day.

I heard that I can send emails to their address, and the message would pop up in their message feed. But I've tried (from my gmail) and none of my messages go through. To use a fictitious example, to send a message to my friend's "John Smith" Facebook account. I typed up, and sent him an email. He never got it. I also tried, still no luck.

I know there was recently an account email reshuffle or something at Facebook, but I'm not familiar with the details. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This link may help:
You will have to scroll down a bit for the instructions on accessing Facebook through gmail.

I tried to send a message to myself via gmail without doing the above and it showed up in Other under Messages. However, I did not see a notification that I had a message. Well that might not be completely true as there was a 1 beside Other. I tried the same thing through Hotmail and it showed up under Messages with a notification that I had a message. I sent the message to the name that shows up in the URL on Facebook.


Aug 28, 2012

Hey friend i really dont know the solution to your problem.. but i can suggest you something very interesting via which you can share your video messages along with text throught mobile smart phone to facebook, twitter and to any email..

This can be possible by an amazing app in aap world called VMS.. download it from here

Start sharing your videos messages with any one around the world for freeeee.... :eek: :bounce: