Thanks everyone for all the help, here is what I ended up doing:
Toshiba Warranty Center referred me to National Parts Center to find the drive for their laptop, It seems that National parts center does not carry the Toshiba Blue Ray Drive at present (new item on their laptops) and there is a 3 to 5 week waiting list to get one. The lady at National Parts Center, suggested I give them a credit card number which they would hold but not charge, if a drive came in in the next few weeks they would inform me and charge the card at that time for the item, Cost $299 plus shipping extra. Our shop is in Alaska so the only choice was FEDEX 2nd day air, at $50.65.
This did not sound like a really viable solution so I put it off till I did a bit more research on the drive, one of the main things is the SATA connection in the back is not normal, it is not like the SATA connections on the usual laptop DVD drives, the pin out for the sata port and the power port are thin and placed higher than normal, this means that a normal DVD/CD drive will not mount in the internal bay, which is rather annoying.
I have some SAMSUNG and HP Blue ray USB external drives that cost about $115, I decided to take one apart to check out the internals, amazingly they have the same pin-out, and after dismantling the HP case I was able to slip the drive into the Toshiba and on boot up it recognized the drive and after a test burn I called it good.
So thanks for all the replies, if anyone runs into this issue perhaps my experience will help you out