Some keys on my laptop have stopped working after Windows 10 update (ASUS 1225b)

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Jan 25, 2015
I just finished upgrading to Windows 10 on my little ASUS 1225b laptop, and so far everything is great, except for one major problem. Immediately following the update, certain keys on the keypad stopped working. Not stopped working outright, which is why I don't think this is a hardware issue, but there is something wrong on the right half of the keypad, specifically the keys that are mapped with the number pad on them.

I'm wondering if this is just a compatibility issue related to the update not being finished (like the time I went from Windows 7 to 8 and had screen resolution issues for a day or so which solved themselves when all the necessary updates finished). But as far as I can tell Windows doesn't have any more updates to apply.

Here's what happens, with the default key press result on the left and the "numlock"ed key press on the right (no, it's not as simple as turning numlock on or off):

7/7: (no result) | 7
8/8: (no result) | 8
9/9: (no result) | 9
0//: / | /
U/4: (no result) | 4
I/5: (no result) | 5
O/6: (no result) | 6
P/*: * | *
J/1: (no result) | 1
K/2: (no result) | 2
L/3: (no result) | 3
M/0: (no result) | 0

So. when numlock is applied, it accurately maps to the alternate characters in blue that are mapped on each key, but with numlock off, the default keystrokes are all wrong.

I've tried rebooting, updating keypad drivers, turning on and off "filter keys", and any other solution I've been able to find so far, and nothing has worked.

Any ideas?
Was having the same keyboard problems with the 1225B post Win10 update. I was also getting a track pad error on boot up. From Asus' support site -
-I downloaded the Win 8 x 64 track pad drivers. I uninstalled the existing ones (Synaptics pointing device), rebooted, installed the downloaded drivers, rebooted again and so far so good. No track pad errors and my keyboard is working normally (for the moment). I hope this helps.

Note ( Aug 8 2015) - The above works, however, it seems that Windows update is grabbing the newer, problematic driver via auto update and the whole cycle starts again. I've had to re-do the above about every two days to fix my wife's laptop. Anyone know...
It's ridiculous that all of this discussion is even necessary! I have an ASUS T100TA and lost my camera after upgrading to Win 10. The attachable keyboard is also not functioning properly (letter keys on the right side produce numbers on-screen!). I consulted with ASUS tech support, followed their advice, even had them try to fix the problems via remote connection, but nothing worked.

It seems clear that ASUS did not produce the necessary driver support for Win 10 ahead of its launch. I have generally liked my ASUS tablet, but people who by their products should NOT have to mess around with all of these do-it-yourself steps to try to fix the problem!

Rick J.

I experienced this problem too, luckily I had a touch screen laptop so could still operate it. My drivers were up to date and so I went to Acer for support. My laptop is an Acer Aspire R7, they told me to uninstall both keyboards in device manager, this struck as a weird suggestion but I followed it and after a restart bingo working keyboard - Not sure how this solved it but it did
I had the same issue regarding keyboard mapping. I went into control panel and language and found that my language was English (UK) not English (Australia) and that the keyboard map was incorrect for my device. I added English (Australia), moved it up in the list and then deleted English (UK). All fixed and very simple!!!


hey everone, i would just share this with you, worked like a charm when w 10 was installed on a asus ux32L
copy paste from:

So when you are in the situation of your keyboard no longer working in Windows 8, press a key for a long time and see if it comes up. If it does, that it is probably the filter keys. To go to the settings, press windows key for a long time (filter keys is on) till you get the metro menu if you aren't there yet, press f for a long time, press i for a long time... (you get what the other actions are...) until you have put in Filter Keys in your search window. Click on Settings, Ignore Repeated Key Strokes using Filter Keys and untick Turn on Filter Keys

hope you can use it...
I am unable to solve this but can give a workable solution. Go to the Typing setting in Devices and activate the standard keyboard. Using this I am missing ~ and 1 but can use the rest. This is better than losing Q W E and R. The 2 and 3 (@ and #) are touchy but will work.
Ok, I spent over 8 hours with Techs today and finally got the solution to faulty keyboard after installing windows 10. I had a few keys on my ASUS laptop that were sending the wrong commands. The solution was to go to the control panel and find the ease of access function, select that and then go to on screen keyboard, once there select the options key on the keyboard, make sure the NUM lock box is checked. go back to the keyboard, if the num lock is now highlighted - click it so it is un highlighted. now go type something and see if the problem is solved - worked for me
I have the same issue with a SONY VAIO SVT1311M1ES.
Annoying. I thought it was the keyboard itself, took it out, cleaned it and then, after putting it back I noticed that it Works with another OS. This is happening since the last W10 update from last thursday. And I need the computer to work!
Windows 10 is still a little baby >< haha, why not go back to 8 or 7 for now.. It does have the revert option. Obviously its issues with the windows update which you can't turn off. Has anyone tried to stop the windows 10 update via the service tab in task manager?
how about blocking the driver update ? then manually installing it.

I don't have windows 10, but the internet never lies :3
So I was having this problem my "delele" key, right arrow key, and numbers 4,5,6 stopped working after Windows 10 updated, and I found this quick fix on the internet: Windows + Space, it solved my problem, hope it helps.

Note: My pc is a Asus K550JX
I had somebody check their system because the key board did not work after the Windows 10 update.

The Filter Keys was on.
To fix:
1) Select the windows button (bottom left corner)
2) Click Settings
3) Ease of access
4) Click Keyboard in the left menu
5) Ensure filter keys are turned off.
Not sure if you've found a solution yet, but after fighting ALL Morning with this issue, I stumbled upon a solution which worked for me. I had tried everything recommended on the Microsoft Windows 10 forums, and finally I was checking to find if I had missed any software updates that might have resolved the issue and...
There it was, in the bottom right corner of my screen (task bar?); the letters ENG. I hovered over it and it showed I was in the Canadian Multilingual English Keyboard. I clicked on that and had the option of changing my keyboard to US English, which I did. Even though I had reset the language several times through Settings, I was still getting that darned accented E every time I typed ?, and goofy quotation marks not showing up.
But resetting from the ENG icon in the lower right corner of my task bar worked.
I switch screens all the time and perhaps accidentally reset that? I don't know, but it sure is great to be able to question things again!
I know there are alot of various scenarios but we all seem to be having a similar issue. The keyboards are losing functionality after the update. But if you research online, this is not just a Windows 10 upgrade issue. Laptops, especially ASUS, have been reported as having these same exact issues as far back as 2009 in other version of Windows. It always seems the ATK kit files are said to contain the fix, or we have to manually run the hcontrol.exe, or do many of the things i just read in this thread. But frankly this is still a bunch of BS that needs to be resolved and I say ASUS AND Microsoft are to blame as there are protocols that are followed when releasing new versions of Windows and PC/Laptop manufacturers are supposed to be on top of these things. ASUS laptop users have complained of these very issues even in Windows 7 and I know for a fact Win dows 8 and 8.1 screwed my keyboard up this same way on my ASUS X200MA. It's just ridicuous. And I read a user posting that ASUS says they have to refresh their installation back to factory. What a crock of B.S. If I were to take a guess at who is at fault here I would say it's ASUS for not providing Microsoft the fixed driver version for Windows update servers. Microsoft isn't going to test ASUS products to determine their drivers are working. They are likely gonna trust ASUS has done the legwork and made sure it was ready. Regardless, shame on both of them as this issue has been taking place as I said, since 2009. And I think the same problem takes place. The faulty driver updates reside on Microsoft servers and the moment we install a prior version of a driver that corrects the problem, We have Windows update chimimg in with the faulty updraded driver version. Turn of the Windows Update Service I guess. But in Win 10 I cannot find an option that prevents auto update. But I will stop the WUPDT service via task managr if need be. This issue really is a joke. None of the solutions have solved my keyboard problems yet. I'm really P'ssd Off about this. Because I may just have to be the one who reset' back to the factory image. And I can't trust that will even work. I'll use a key mapping utility before I do that. Total idiots at MS and ASUS. Lazy bumbs
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