Solved! Someone's hacked ALL my devices including my router password. I have apps I never had installing themselves without permissio


May 12, 2014
Anyone else have phone hacked/have apps installed without your authorization? My passwords changed even my router login. All this after a factory reset and setup device as new. I have a Moto z2 play my mother an LG Stylo 2 ... My Kindle Fire has shown some fishy activity. Also I have detected a Unix ran device logged in on my mother's Gmail account. Please help I have insurance on my Moto but my mother doesn't. It has also disabled security features, I have fingerprint unlock with 4 prints but now there is no option to activate after it was turned off by unknown source. I have seen apps that looked like Norton's App Lock but used Allos logo. They did the same with LASTPASS a password vault of sorts I have already paid a yr subscription for. LASTPASS is endorsed by Verizon I found an identical problem posted on Verizon Forum and they locked response as well as tried to make the person that posted it an idiot UNTIL Check showed proof. Then they reponded that they were unaware and we're gonna look into the matter-the post was from 2017! I have factory reset ... I have a police report my bank has been notified. I have like 5 notations on my account with Verizon technical support. I have spent about 60 hrs try to fix. He said something about a caller ID app, in my case it's games and a few other apps like home advisor. I noticed in app manager a huge amount of usage on an app called slides. I have never opened. I think the settings app is fradulent as well as an App Store look alike Google tech support. Have been as smart as a guy pissing up a tree. It ruined my Christmas I have multiple screenshots. Although some have been turned black or solid green. I had a video that you can tell from the native file name it was over 6 minutes long and now it is 1 second long. The Google drive has been accessed. My typing sometimes automatically changes to other words as well as the suggestion box displayed words that don't exist such as lyghty. The other languages keyboards have been used. I only speak English She blames me but I know it's not my fault.
Sounds like you need to reset your router (including new admin password and wireless network password) and factory reset all phone devices. Same for PCs, fresh install of Windows and re-install apps. This is for all devices, or you can try cleaning each one individually. Hopefully, you have back ups of important files.

BTW, this includes resetting Google passwords and all other accounts (banking, utilities, etc).
Sounds like you need to reset your router (including new admin password and wireless network password) and factory reset all phone devices. Same for PCs, fresh install of Windows and re-install apps. This is for all devices, or you can try cleaning each one individually. Hopefully, you have back ups of important files.

BTW, this includes resetting Google passwords and all other accounts (banking, utilities, etc).