Sony HTST7 Wireless Subwoofer WiFi Interference


Apr 12, 2015
For years I have had this Sony HTST7 HD Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer, and I would find that my WiFi would occasionally go to near 0mbps. I then started noticing the subwoofer would occasionally go out. After trying to replace the routers many times, I realized the problem was with the Bluetooth subwoofer and the WiFi were interfering with one another.

Is there a way to adjust the channel/frequency of the router to prevent interference with the Bluetooth subwoofer?
Router model: Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 DST


At on the Netgear control panel, I unchecked `Enable SSID Broadcast` on the main wireless menu, then followed this guide, unchecking `Enable Wireless Router Radio` & `Enable 20/40 MHz Coexistence`, still having the same issue.

Perhaps those fields did not actually turn off the 2.4ghz signal?