Solved! Sony Keyboard got corrupted


Jun 15, 2010
🙁 Hi, I had purchased a sony VAIO, Model #VGNNW23G/B about 4 months ago. I accidently spilled the orange juice on the key board, tried to clean it as much, a.s.a.p I could, but it did not work. I have one year full warranty on it so I sent it to sony, but they are asking a ridiculous amount of money to fix it, $475. I could not afford it, so they sent it back. I plugged it one day and to my surprise, window 7 opened up and I was able to go online but for a short time, windows get ajmmed after a while. Key board has got sort of corrupted and it does not work properly. Any suggestions to fix it? How can I change the key board? How does the keyboard come off? Any help will be appreciated.