Sony xbr49-900f, motion flow dont work with 120hz pc custom resolution

Mini Franki

May 9, 2017

Its a real picky situation. Not sure if people already saw that kind of issue

Im owning a sony 4k 120hz monitor(xbr49-900f) and the problem is, the motion flow dont seem to work when im on any 120hz custom resolution from my PC and watching netflix. At the start, my pc dont recognize my tv like a 120hz(1080p and 4k). I only can use 60hz option. So i created 2 customs resolutions for get 120hz on 1080p and 4k resolution. That work good because my mouse stop lagging and motions in windows environment are better. But when i watch netflix, i noticed motion are more jerky on 120hz(motion flow on/off) than 60hz with motion flow ON, why?

When i watch netflix directly on the tv app, motion are pretty good. Like when i put 60hz with motion flow ON, on my pc

And another thing, netflix seem to dont recognize my tv for 4k watching when im on my pc. But no problem at all when i use app on tv. Any idea why?

I use hdmi 2.0. So that support 120hz

Thx for the help!
Your computer is pretty much guaranteed will not get get 120hz at 4k. The HDMI rating you are looking for is for 1080 resolution.
I also doubt their Motion Flow setup will work with a computer connection. Basically, the TV is working properly you are trying it to do something it and the computer can't.

Mini Franki

May 9, 2017
I know hdmi 2.0 not supposed to support 120hz on 4k but mouse and windows animations are less jerky in 120hz(1080p and 4k). Forget all about 4k and keep it mind why i got this problem in 1080p. Its like the motion flow dont work on custom resolution or when im on 120hz. On 60hz, motion flow seem to work but mouse have a input lag and windows animations are jerky but on 120hz, movies will play the same with motion on or off

Hope you guys understand what i mean



Mini Franki

May 9, 2017
The best option is when motion flow is ON and on 60hz. But mouse input lag is terrible. The second best option is, a TV mode with motion flow totally desactivated(game and graphic mode) on 60hz. But the mouse input lag is a lot better. Motion flow system seem to put a lot of input lag on 60hz but on 120hz, i dont see a noticable difference between motion ON or totally desactivated. 120hz is the worst option for movie movement but the best for mouse input and windows movements

I think its just because movies are 30fps, that why its better on 60hz than 120hz?


Mar 21, 2012

Read this and try the CVT thing. I am very surprised it will do actual 120hz. If it does work right, would not use motion smoothing with it.

Edit: most movies are 24fps, not 30. That’s why the higher the motion smoothing the more odd it looks.

Mini Franki

May 9, 2017
Thx for the help but im not really interested to get more than 1080p from my pc(i dont have a serie 10 nvidia card for 4k streaming on netflix. But i can watch 4k on youtube). All i want is to get motionflow work on 120hz from my pc. That have no difference between on and off with 120hz. But maybe that dont need motionflow at 120hz. Im trying to compare my tv netflix app with motion ON(standard) and the one from my pc with 120hz and motionflow off. I think its the same, very hard to compare

But on my tv app, i see the difference between motion off, standard and the soap effect one. But on 120hz from my pc, that looks like all the same, whatever motionflow option i put