Sonytvhas no arc for newsiundbar system,,help


Aug 18, 2017
Sony tvhas no arc hdmion tv. New sound bar system says plug hdmi into arc but no such hdmi output on tv.. hep!! My mother is givibg me hell over this! Lol. Can i buy just a arc remote box to hook u sound bar?
There is no box you can add to convert the TV to HDMI-ARC.
Your solution is to use the other audio outputs of the TV. Your TV may have analog RCA audio outputs, headphone out or digital audio out. Use the one that matches the other input on the soundbar. You may need a converter but without makes and model numbers there is no way we can look that up for you.
Question from walkintall.rb : "No arc on back of sonytv"

Tv has no arc hdmi output on back for new soundbar setup. Help please. Can i buy an arc remote box? Is that an option?
There is no box you can add to convert the TV to HDMI-ARC.
Your solution is to use the other audio outputs of the TV. Your TV may have analog RCA audio outputs, headphone out or digital audio out. Use the one that matches the other input on the soundbar. You may need a converter but without makes and model numbers there is no way we can look that up for you.