Spilled Some sauce on my notebook..help


Feb 17, 2016
So,i was watching movies on my laptop while eating,and i put the plate on the keyboard because i wanna get some water,and then i didnt notice the plate was cracked,the sweet sour sauce spreaded to my notebook keyboard..half of the numpad was covered but the other side was not touch,maybe just a bit,i panic so, i take a cloth and wiped all of the sauce and shut down the notebook,then i tilt the notbook upside down so the sauce can come out,after the there was no visible sauce remaning,although a bit sticky can be on the side of the keycaps ,i tried to open the notebook,it booted up okay,but the keyboard messed up,when i click,for example W,W and S will registered,two words came,i just dont know what to do,i want to open the notebook,but it was so hard because to open it,i need to open all the way to the motherboard which the risk is high and its oily, so its hard to dry,any advice?sorry for the long explaination ..and my notebook is HP 15 the newer ver

replacing the keyboard is the only option...i guess ,i will just use a usb keyboard for a while.