So I'm watching youtube when I start to hear the beeping, signalling I need to charge. I plug in, and it charges for a couple seconds. Then I heard rapid-fire connect-disconnect sound effects, and it stops charging, and disconnected from transmitter. Can't reconnect, can't charge, can't even turn off the headset. It's blinking red and I can't do anything. So I give up and go to bed with the thing still on, slowly dying. In the morning I see it has died, so I plug it in to see if anything is different. Now it says it is charging, as the button is now a pulsing-yellow. But it's been a pulsing-yellow for 6 hours.
I would return them to Best Buy where I got them, but its been past 30 days and I don't have receipt But I do have box that has order #, pickup person, day of pickup and pickup location. Also have screenshots of the order on my Best Buy account with matching order # and everything.
So, I'm going to try and refund them on Saturday IF I can't fix them. Do any of you know what may be going on with them and maybe how to fix?
I would return them to Best Buy where I got them, but its been past 30 days and I don't have receipt But I do have box that has order #, pickup person, day of pickup and pickup location. Also have screenshots of the order on my Best Buy account with matching order # and everything.
So, I'm going to try and refund them on Saturday IF I can't fix them. Do any of you know what may be going on with them and maybe how to fix?