Suggest a 3d tv.


Apr 5, 2011
I am looking for a new flat screen tv.I am interested in 3d also.

MAX budget is 1800$.I am from India so pricing may be different.Minnimum screen size is 40".Nothing less than 40.I prefer the price at ~1400.LED and plasma are welcome too.1080P is must too.

I am looking into these:
1.Samsung PS51D550C1RLXL 51" 1080p plasma 1735$
2.Samsung UA40D6000SRMXL 40" 1080p LED 1765$
3.Sony KDL-40EX720 40" LED 1080p overbudget and too small 1865$

Between 1 and 2,Should i go for LED with small screen or the plasma with big screen?The plasma consumes 3x power than the LED one i think.

I will buy around last week of October.

Thanks in advance .
power issue not so big a difference right now,, you can verify on manufacturer's website.
I would go samsung or LG,, what will be your deciding factor plasma vs LED,, where are you going to put the TV? if somewhere like a livingroom where natural light will hit the screen, you will have amazing amount of glare if plasma - so go with LED in this case.
Also, another final thing is to see the TV in person,, go with what you think looks better

I have cheeked with Samsung website.The plasma model consumes 2x power in normal and 3x max rating.But that's only a minor issue.How much is the glare compared to a VERY SIMPLE CRT tv?I will try to have a look at different screens.

Thanks for your reply.
they will have same type of surface, but a crt is a curved screen, so it isn't quite as noticeable,, a plasma's screen is flat,, so closer to a 'black mirror' - if you can position it not to be hit by sunlight, you'll be good,,
Okay thanks.I want know know that how 3D works with Panasonic and LG and Sony?
Samsung use active shutter tech.Which is very good IMO.Which techs are use by Panasonic,LG and Sony?
3d isn't as much my specialty of knowledge,, most people say LG is least amount of strain though.

I wouldn't be as concerned about 3d type of technology vs going to the store and seeing it in person,,,you can have a crappy type of any kind of technology, it's always how well that company can pull it off.

95% of your tv viewing will be 2d anyways,, so you'll want to focus most of your energy there,,,
I found out.All three of them uses active shutter :).
I will be playing 3D games too.And that's actually the problem.These HDTVs connect via HDMI,which is only capable of 720p60 3D or 1080p24 3D.The 1080P24 work fine with movies,but with games 24 FPS isn't enough.And if you play @ 720p 60 FPS then the image isn't good 🙁.
I think i will have to wait for next gen 3D tvs 🙁.