Switching from HDD to SSD


Mar 1, 2016
I'm planning to buy the Acer Aspire E 15 E5-574G-52QU and the MyDigitalSSD 240GB (256GB (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01974UGNA/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3ISMVC1FTQD6C).

1. Will the SSD fit/compatible with the laptop?

2. I intend to remove bloatwares in the laptop. Can I make make an installation media(i think) on a usb then switch the ssd then install it OR should i reinstall windows on the hdd first then switch?
1. Yes, google Aspire E 15 E5-574G-52QU and ssd replacement for info on how to do it.

2. Yes, you can do a clean install.

but... I would do it differently.
I would buy a Samsung evo of 240gb. It might cost you a few bucks more, but it will be a better quality ssd.

Past that, Samsung offers a free ssd migration tool that will replicate the original install on the hard drive to their ssd.
Then, you can simply swap the ssd for the hard drive and you are done.
You can do the copy via usb if you buy a usb to sata adapter cable which is not expensive.
Keep the hard drive for a backup.

Once you are running on the ssd, it will not take much time to remove any trialware and whatever from the ssd.

One potential problem of a new install...
If you plan on reinstalling windows from scratch, you can just put the SSD in your computer and then install Windows from a USB key.

Be sure to install all of the drivers when you're finished installing Windows!
Yes, it will work but you might need this:
9.5mm Caddy https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004Y8SGXW/ref=cm_cr_ryp_prd_ttl_sol_2

It seems you can keep the 1 TB Drive and put an SSD in another place. The amazon.com reviews for this laptop have a bunch of people in the comments who have added an SSD. I would take a look at those. Seems like a pretty staight forward process but follow the tips.

As for the reinstallation, I think clean install on the SSD would be better and then going to the product page for the drivers and stuff would be ideal.

Here's the link where a ton of people have installed SSDs. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Aspire-E5-574G-52QU-15-6-inch-Notebook/dp/B019G7VOSO
1. Yes, google Aspire E 15 E5-574G-52QU and ssd replacement for info on how to do it.

2. Yes, you can do a clean install.

but... I would do it differently.
I would buy a Samsung evo of 240gb. It might cost you a few bucks more, but it will be a better quality ssd.

Past that, Samsung offers a free ssd migration tool that will replicate the original install on the hard drive to their ssd.
Then, you can simply swap the ssd for the hard drive and you are done.
You can do the copy via usb if you buy a usb to sata adapter cable which is not expensive.
Keep the hard drive for a backup.

Once you are running on the ssd, it will not take much time to remove any trialware and whatever from the ssd.

One potential problem of a new install will be getting by the secure boot restrictions. That bios option prevents booting from a drive that was not used to install windows originally.