Tablet for Parents - web browsing, email, Skype


Nov 1, 2013
Hey folks,

Looking to get a tablet for my mother (60+) for Xmas. All it will be used for is Skype video chatting and web browsing/checking emails. Needs to have a decent size screen and needs to be on the cheaper end of the market.

With that in mind I'm looking at the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 which is coming in at under €250 delivered. Is there any reason not to go with this tablet or another one better suited to the tasks outlined above?

Seriously, web browsig, checking emails (maybe through an gmail or yahoo mail app if available) and video chatting on Skype will be the entire extent of it's use. No gaming, music, video etc will ever be used.

Based in Ireland. Thanks in advance!
The Kindle is good, or one of the better name brand ones. I know there is a flood of tablets coming from China that are like $100US, but a lot of them are sorta crappy in either performance or when you start looking at the specs of it. I've seen a ton of them in my shop with dead batteries after a few months, or they just stop working, cheap wonky touch screens, etc. Cheap gets you cheap in some things.
Thanks for the replies guys. I was looking at the Nexus 7 alright, looks like a great piece of kit but too small I think in this instance and the Nexus 10 is too expensive!

The Kindle seems to be the winner from my research unless anyone can tell me otherwise?

The bad thing about the Kindle is that you cannot use apps from the Google Play store, you can only use apps from the Amazon app store. I'd personally be inclined to lean toward the Nexus 7. Although how much are you looking to spend on a tablet and is it just limited to Android?
That was my concern alright but again the only real use for this tablet will be occasional web browsing, emails and Skype. It's doesn't have to be android but an iPad is way over budget I think. I wouldn't be able to afford anything over €300. I suppose the key things would be a decent browser and a Skype app.

The Google Nexus 7 is pretty good but I recommend the Kindle Fire HD 8.9! You made a very good decision.

You could get an Apple certified refurbished iPad Mini and save some money there:
Thanks for all the feed back guys. I was going with the Kindle until I found the Lenovo S6000 for €200. Biggest selling point is it's 10.1inch screen, a 7 inch screen would simply be too small for my mother and the good news is it's Android, so full access to the Google Play store! Thanks again to everyone who contributed!