Tablet with Phone function?

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Jul 1, 2016

i'm trying to find tablet with phone function, i have found only few,

As i see http:// ~ has some 4g tablets?

Can someone recommend any tablets with phone functions?


Operating system ~(iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows RT, Windows 8, etc)

screen size ~ Any

Brand ~ Any

$$$ ~ ( 300 Euro) max


No, most tablets use wifi, most tablets do not have a cellular or 4G chip in them.

How do you mean "cellular is not my problem" if the tablet does not have the right...

I mean i want replace phone with tablet ~ in simple word huge phone with huge battery.

I have no idea what Phone app means , also if you mean 3g , 4G , etc ,,, All types of connections works in my country.
Phone app means the app you press on yoru phone to use the phone......the software

All types of connections work in my country as well, but not all connection types work with verizon nor do all types work with at&t and with t-mobile.
Even if all carriers use GSM standard there is several different LTE bands and thus different tablets dont support ALL of these bands Thus as stated you need to find out what requirements your cellular service provider has.

Well, most tablets use 4g anyways.cellular is not my mine problem. Can you recommend any tablets?

No, most tablets use wifi, most tablets do not have a cellular or 4G chip in them.

How do you mean "cellular is not my problem" if the tablet does not have the right cellular radio then it wont function as a phone.

I cant suggest you a tablet when you have given me ZERO informaotin about what cellular connection you need to conenct to and what LTE bands you need to support.
You have asked me what is a good car to drive to work without telling me what the road conditions are, how far you have to drive or how many people you even need to transport in the car.

You want a complete and utter shot in the dark no idea if it will work for you or not recommendation, here you go:

Thanks, just checked this one works.
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