Thermal Paste Replacement Necessary?


Nov 26, 2014
I own a 2014 HP Envy 17 with an i7 and 840M, and as I've gotten more proficient with computers and started to keep an eye on thermals, I've noticed it runs VERY hot. Even under a ~30% gaming load on a cooling pad w/ two fans, the CPU runs in the 90's, and the GPU under full load will stay in the high 80's (Celsius ofc) If I take the PC off a cooling pad both the CPU and GPU will throttle, but it's only really noticeable when the GPU does so due to the CPU being a little overkill in this system. I was just playing GTA V for half an hour and the GPU was pegged at 88-89 degrees the whole time on the cooling pad, somehow not throttling (just luck I guess) Anyways I'm wondering if anyone knows if these laptops just have bad cooling solutions or if I should take it apart and clean out the fan, heatsink, replace thermal paste, etc.
sorry for my bad english.

if you have been using long time, you may need to replace termal paste. Usually laptops have this kind of issue in comparison with PCs. Do you feel warm air from cpu's fan heatsink. If not this should be the cause of you problem. You fan need to be cleaned fro better rpm. Usually fans can by dirty and cant rotate properly. I dont reccomend to replace termal paste yourself. get tecnical support. If you havent done it before you may damage the laptop.

Dust first.
Thermal paste as a last resort.

Ok, I'll do it in that order. I've replaced thermal paste on old graphics cards and have done it when upgrading CPU's so I'm not uncomfortable doing so, I just don't want to waste time. Thank you!