Setting up Dual Core Folding
You don't have to follow these instructions exactly, but here is an example of a dual core setup.
-download a copy of the F@H console client
-create two different folders ie C:\fah1 C:\fah2(one for each core)
-copy the fah504-console.exe into each of the two folders
Note: These instructions are for Windows 2000/XP
Now we're ready to setup dual core folding
Open a command prompt by going to Start->Run type CMD and hit enter
Make sure you navigate to the fah1 folder, you can do this by typing:
C: [enter]
cd c:\fah1 [enter]
Start configuring the first core by typing:
fah504-console.exe -configonly [enter]
Configure the console client:
1. First it will ask for your username, enter in the same username for all your folding computers so the work units are credited to your account. If you are a first time folder this is where you can create your username.
2. Next it will ask for your team number. Tom's Hardware Guide Community's team number is
40051. If you are joining our team make sure you get this team number typed in this field.
3. Then it will ask if you want the client to start automatically with windows, which will install folding at home as a Windows service. This is up to you as to your preference.
4. There will be a couple more user preference questions that you can make a decision on as the console asks, continue through them until you get to the questions asking if you want to
Change advanced options say Yes to this question.
5. Here again you will be asked several more user preference questions. As before answer these as you'd like, and if you don't know what to do taking the default is usually best. Continue this until you get to the option for
Machine ID (1-8 )
6. For each core you need to assign a unique Machine ID select a unique ID and hit enter. You now have completed the configuration of this folding console client.
You have your first core configured and ready to go. Now you can type this to configure your 2nd core:
cd c:\fah2 [enter]
fah504-console.exe -configonly [enter]
Follow the above instructions to
Configure the console client only this time make sure that you give the second core a unique Machine ID. If you opted to run the consoles as a Windows service you should only need to reboot your PC to start them both up.
You can check to make sure they are running by opening up the Windows Task Manager and look at the Processes and Performance tabs to see if you have two copies running on each core.
If this is all done correctly you should have two different console editions running on each of the cores, giving you double the folding fun