THGC - Folding@home team 40051


Oct 26, 2001
Hello distributed computing fans

<A HREF="" target="_new">Tom's Hardware Guide Community</A> has a very successfull <A HREF="" target="_new">team</A> working in the Folding@home distributed computing project. As we climb through the <A HREF="" target="_new">ranks</A> we are continually seeking other members to join this team and bring it into the top 100.

Folding@home is a serious scientific project carried out by <A HREF="" target="_new">Stanford University</A>

Our goal: to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, and related diseases

<b>What are proteins and why do they "fold"?</b>
Proteins are biology's workhorses -- its "nanomachines." Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, remains a mystery. Moreover, perhaps not surprisingly, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"), there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, and Parkinson's disease.

<b>What does Folding@Home do?</b>
Folding@Home is a distributed computing project which studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. We use novel computational methods and large scale distributed computing, to simulate timescales thousands to millions of times longer than previously achieved. This has allowed us to simulate folding for the first time, and to now direct our approach to examine folding related disease.
I sincerely hope you'll join us in helping to cure disease and make both Folding@home and team THGC a success!

<A HREF="" target="_new">My PCs</A> 😎
Nice! Only 27 views in 12 days and I'm the first one to reply.

Extremely active forum.

<font color=orange><b><A HREF="" target="_new">Rediscover the web</A></b></font color=orange>
In one of the many Folding threads, someone posted a method for benchmarking a users computer. There was a method for users running the console as well as the graphical client.

Would you mind pointing me to that post or recreate it here for me?

Thank you for your help.
These instructions are done from memory. I may have left some information out. Let me know if you succeed of fail with these instructions. (Reply to this post)

Graphical Client:

Right click on the F@H icon in the system tray and click on configuration and enter 40051 as your team number.

Console Client:

Shutdown the F@H client. In the folder where you installed F@H is a file called config.* Use notepad to open the file and where is says team number = xxxxx, change the number to 40051. Save your changes and restart the F@H client.

This forum is not very active. There are very active F@H threads in the CPU, Memory & Graphics forums. You might want to check out those forums as well.

I'm guessing the instructions are similar for linux or any other non-Windows OS.

Welcome to the team!
Just joined team 40051!!
I put 3 processors on the job for Tom's team:
1 - AMD Athlon64 3800+
2 - PIII 850mhz (OCed to 876)
3 - Mobile PIII 1.4Ghz
I will add a MAC G4 tomorrow.
Just started last eveing so I have yet to do a WU but I should be adding my contribution by 2/28
This is a great project, I mean so is SETI but this seems to be a bit closer to having a near term positive impact for humanity. Although if we can contact extraterrestrials with advanced technology they may be able to help us fold proteins faster as well. So we need both :smile:
The team appreciates your help!

I'm joining up... using my server at work i've got exclusive access too

Intel Xeon 2x 2.5ghz With HT

this should do a decent job

but i'm having problem. it's maxing at 25% of my CPU usage
I just joined... Is there anything like SETI Spy out there for FAH? Which CPU's perform best on it?

700 Mflops in SETI!
Try running 4 tasks at once, that's what I do on my P4C 2.8GHz HT (I do SETI@Home, with BOINC client). On multiprocessor systems you should run calculation task for each CPU (CPU with HT counts as 2 CPUs).
I stopped folding a little while back when my pc died.

now that ive got a new one, i want to resume folding.

Its a nice X2 dualcore system though.
So does anyone have a link to where i can find out how to run folding@home on a dual core with minimum fuss


<b>For those who are wondering, I am NOT anti-religion. It is just that most religions have more plot holes than your typical Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
Mr no integrity coward.</b>
yep. and answer my question!

<b>For those who are wondering, I am NOT anti-religion. It is just that most religions have more plot holes than your typical Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
Mr no integrity coward.</b>
I figure I will try to help out where I can. I am new to this so it may take me a while to get the juice going. My rig should do something (I hope) for what I have put into it. Well, if I run into any problems I will come back here & ask.
Hey I didn't know Tom's had a section labeled Distributed Computing. I'm going to see if we can encourage everyone to move discussions over to this forum area.
While a couple people have replied to Entity's encouragement to post on this forum with affirmitives I have decided that I should do so. (Bump)

I've been reading the main thread for a long time. I think that we may do better with several threads in this section though. Let's see how many people agree with me.