To comnect my philips dvd/vcr to roku tv


Dec 27, 2017
I have connected the red, white and yellow connections to my outgoing video and audio on my dvd/vcr player and connected the other side to the corresponding slots on my roku tv. I set up AV as DVD combo, but roku saya "no signal (is it on?)" The dvd/ vcr player is on and set to "dvd." Why doesn't roku acknowledge the presence of my dvd player?

The TV has an AV input for Red (right audio), White (left audio) and Yellow (video) input. I turned on the Roku TV and selected Settings/TV inputs. I selected the "AV" input and named it "DVD combo." All the jacks are plugged to their corresponding color ie. the yellow plug (attached to a cord) is plugged into the yellow outlet marked "Audio Visual" on the back of the Roku TV, the red plug (attached to a cord) is plugged into the red outlet outlet marked "Audio Visual" and the white plug (attached to a cord) is plugged into the white outlet (also in the same grouping of "Audio Visual") on the back of the Roku TV. The corresponding plugs on the other end of the three cords are plugged into the corresponding outlets marked "Audio/Video out" on the back of the DVD player which is the correct one according to the Roku Quick Guide. I attempted it with the other three outlets on the back of the DVD player marked "Audio/Video In" which didn't work (and doesn't make sense to use either.)

I deleted the setting and started over at least once. The DVD player is on when I select "DVD combo." I get a loud low buzzing noise when I select this option. I also get the same message "No signal (is it on?)"

For some reason this isn't working still. I will call Roku.
