David Stellmack's article about the D-Link MP3 player further reinforces my belief that Tom's Hardware should stick with what it knows - which is not MP3 players. To my memory this site has only discussed a small handful of players (HD players to be more precise). They end up only being compared against 1, maybe 2, others. There are around a dozen HD bases players out there, not just the iPod, Creative Jukebox, and the latest, D-Link's Roq-it. It is this latest review about the Roq-it that set me off.
First there is no mention of the original manufacture, SSI. It is also licensed by iomagic, who makes the Neo Jukebox - identicle in every way to the Roq-it (it's the same). But, more importantly, this product has aready been on the market for almost 1 1/2 years! Wake-up Tom's Hardware! I bought my Neo WITH a 20gig harddrive. I have since bought a 40 to swap back and forth. Why would anyone buy the Roq-it if it only comes with 10, as I am led to believe by the article, instead of the 0 - 30 that comes with the identicle Neo.
If you're going to discuss the "lastest" in hardware, make sure you have all of your information at hand - not whatever some manufacture sends you in the mail!
First there is no mention of the original manufacture, SSI. It is also licensed by iomagic, who makes the Neo Jukebox - identicle in every way to the Roq-it (it's the same). But, more importantly, this product has aready been on the market for almost 1 1/2 years! Wake-up Tom's Hardware! I bought my Neo WITH a 20gig harddrive. I have since bought a 40 to swap back and forth. Why would anyone buy the Roq-it if it only comes with 10, as I am led to believe by the article, instead of the 0 - 30 that comes with the identicle Neo.
If you're going to discuss the "lastest" in hardware, make sure you have all of your information at hand - not whatever some manufacture sends you in the mail!