tv to home theater connection help...both HDMI ARC connected with high speed HDMI cable


Dec 22, 2014
I have a Sony tv NSX40GT1 and a new Panasonic Home theater system SC XH105. Both show they are ARC and they are connected with high speed HDMI cable. I cannot get the sound from the TV to play thru the home theater system. I can play DVD thru home theater system and vidoe plays on tv. I have followed all the set up steps I can, but cannot find out if the tv system setting on the home theater is NTSC, PAL, PAL60 or AUTO. In addition, there are 5 HDMI receptacles on the tv and none are marked ARC. Sony info says tv is ARC compatable. please help me get sound from tv to home theater.
As per the TV manual HDMI input 1 should be marked as the ARC input. You will have to turn this function on in the TV and HTib. I don't think the TV system affects this except in the video of the disc playback from the HTiB. If you leave it in auto you should be OK.