Unable to download pics

gill 61

May 25, 2010
Please help...i have a Kodak Easy Share M530 camera but am unable to download pics from the memory card whıch is a samsung 4 GB.

It wıll download from the internal memory (about 6 pics) but when i try to change ıt to auto ıt says the memory card requıres formattıng whıch deletes the pıcs! I have lost one set of pıcs already...what am ı doıng wrong?
I suspect the card has been used in another camera or has been formatted using a computer.

You might try an external USB card reader to download the current pics.

The most likely remedy is to format the card in the camera it's going to be used in, using the format program built into the camera.
Thanks wıll try that...doubt ıt has been used ın another camera as ı bought ıt from a shop and ıt was stıll ın all ıts sealed packagıng...now just got to fınd out how to format ıt! lol