Upgrades in an Asus F3Sa-A2


Nov 30, 2007
Hey, I'll be getting this laptop in a couple of days: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220297

I already know it's possible to upgrade the RAM. But can you upgrade the Hard Drive, and the video card?

I've never really heard of notebooks being able to upgrade graphics cards. But some people say it can be done.

I was gonna ask at the Asus forums, but they practically want every detail about your life to register for the forums.

Thanks in advance for any help.

p.s. I'm really looking forward to playing Bioshock. It's the only game I care about playing, haha. Will the HD2600 be able to handle it?
Of the two things you listed, the hard drive is the easiest to replace. You just need to find out what connection it uses (SATA, ATA, etc.) and find a similar 2.5'' drive. Some laptops use modular cards that can be replaced and upgraded. I'm not sure about that one. You could send an e-mail to Asus asking them about it. While it's not the best, the HD2600 should be able to handle Bioshock.
Not sure about video card be upgraded, i don't tink retailer will be agree even it can be upgraded but you will be able to upgrade the HDD or rAM without a problem