USB 3.0 port slowed down


Dec 26, 2017
A few months ago my USB 3.1 GEN1 port stopped working, just like that: whenever I plugged in some 3.0 device - nothing, the system didn't even know there was something connected. I'd been working without a glitch and I hadn't had any problems with it by then. Even more weird is that when I plugged in some 2.0 accessories, they worked fine, plus, after some time the port started working again for 3.0 devices but at low speeds such as 11MB/s.

1) I've tried several 3.0 accessories that I know work fine and deliver high speed connections
2) It's not a system/driver problem: I've tried it with fresh installs of Win10, Ubuntu, Fedora and Parrot Linux.
3) I've checked the port from inside of the laptop for mechanical issues - no luck
4) The other 3.0 type C connector behaves the same way
5) It's not a BIOS problem either, since I've reflashed it and set up twice, with no luck there

What am I missing?
Try this...

1. Go to "Control Panel" and then "Device Manager".
2. Expand the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" section.
3. Double-click on the "USB Root Hub device".
4. Now click the "Power Management" tab.
5. Uncheck the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option.
6. Click the "OK" button.

NOTE: If there is more than one "USB Root Hub device" listed, Then you will have to repeat this steps for each one of them.

7. Restart the computer and all the ports should work now.

Thanks for the idea, but that didn't fix it :-( I'm still experiencing slow speeds even when copying from external drive to an SSD...