the boompro is meant to connect up to a removable headphone cable jack on headphones to convert them into headsets. its not meant to connect up to a detachable mic jack.
why? the mic jack expects an output signal from a mic so that it can pass it through its own cable down to the pc and is not an audio input. the boompro pushes its output through its own cable to the pc and passes headphone audio into the headphones via the jack.
now, it could work if you strapped it on with zip ties, but thats not an elegant solution and there are better choices.
the modmic would work by either A) clipping it on to the headset and running its wire to the pc along with the headphone wire or B) shortening the modmic wire and plugging it into the existing mic jack on the headset (thereby passing it through the original wire. do check that its working correct (with full length wire) before attempting to shorten though. (suggested to just use the modmic cable as is to the pc)
another option would be to just replace the boom mic.
if you want something of the same simple boom mic style with end connector, then you would be looking at replacement mics from say turtle beach or similar such as from the creative fatality headset. some arent half bad