View Finder, Remote Shutter, AA batteries


Dec 9, 2010
Hello,When is a camera manufacturer going to listen to the consumer? Compact cameras without a view finder for work in outdoors situations, a remote shutter release and AA batteries for power are useless for any outdoor and travelling work. Come on Canon, make a good compact that can be used in the field.


I'm with you on at least 1 out of 3 points.

AA batteries - very good if you're travelling when you can just pop in some disposable Duracells (at a price !). But NimH AAs have limited life and are slow to charge compared to LION. Modern cameras need more power -- and we don't want to go back to cameras with four AA batteries.

Admittedly, the cameras want more power due to larger preview screens -- how makers imagine this is really a substitute for a proper optical viewfinder (especially in bright sunlight) is beyond me. I would add to your grumbles one about menus -- always look for a camera with physical controls -- squinting at a screen to change settings has brought me close to shouting at various cameras.

Remote shutter release ? Self timer works in most circumstances and I seldom use it, but wireless is so cheap that adding it wouldn't significantly change the price.

The problem is that makers are led by the market -- and the market seems to assume that more megapixels is the thing to look for, followed by more zoom and bigger preview screens.

Also, it's unfortunate that the makers are dominated by Japanese companies -- their home market is notoriously keen on "features" many of which are implemented solely because it's possible, not because anyone needs them. Thus the bewildering menus.



Dec 9, 2010
I'm with you on at least 1 out of 3 points.

AA batteries - very good if you're travelling when you can just pop in some disposable Duracells (at a price !). But NimH AAs have limited life and are slow to charge compared to LION. Modern cameras need more power -- and we don't want to go back to cameras with four AA batteries.

Admittedly, the cameras want more power due to larger preview screens -- how makers imagine this is really a substitute for a proper optical viewfinder (especially in bright sunlight) is beyond me. I would add to your grumbles one about menus -- always look for a camera with physical controls -- squinting at a screen to change settings has brought me close to shouting at various cameras.

Remote shutter release ? Self timer works in most circumstances and I seldom use it, but wireless is so cheap that adding it wouldn't significantly change the price.

The problem is that makers are led by the market -- and the market seems to assume that more megapixels is the thing to look for, followed by more zoom and bigger preview screens.

Also, it's unfortunate that the makers are dominated by Japanese companies -- their home market is notoriously keen on "features" many of which are implemented solely because it's possible, not because anyone needs them. Thus the bewildering menus.

Self timer is okay if you want to take pictures of yourself, but I don't. I need to take action photos with the camera on a stable platform when I want to take the photo, not when the camera wants to.