Waiting for cache in google chrome

May 10, 2018
Still waiting for cache in chrome in 5-18. I have done all recommended things on web including uninstalling chrome and doing a fresh install of Canary. all to no avail. Temporary fix is to post my gmail to firefox. Does Google not care?:ouch:
That is extremely odd. There is no need for it to look for or access the cache unless it is a site you have been to and saved the info.

Have you tried changing your settings in Chrome to have it erase your cache? I know you did a reinstall, however I ask because if the settings are looking for it, and it isn't there, then it will continue to do so unless you remove the option and then readd it.

Also, if this started after an update to Chrome, you may want to try using the prior version for a while before updating again.
If you google "waiting for cache" in chrome you will find at least a hundred websites offering solutions. I have emptied cache manually, had software programs do till I was blue in the face. Changed profile, changed location of cache, made cache larger, checked anti malware, anti virus nothing works. Chromes own message board is filled with the same question. this has been happening over a year sporadically, but now is every single time I open chrome.

You're from Chrome and this is the first time you've seen this question? You've got to be kidding.

This happens even when the cache has just been emptied.
This usually indicates bad sectors on your hard drive that have not been marked as "bad" by the operating system. The OS keeps trying to access them and is unable to do. Usually and eventually, the OS will recognize them as bad and mark them and system performance will improve.

If the hard drive is failing, this will happen intermittently again and this will begin happening more often.

This is not a Chrome problem.

I'm wondering if you're kidding? Thousands of posts in the last month - no, my drive is not failing on my desktop SSD, work laptop and home laptop ONLY within chrome.

It's only a matter of time. Make sure important data is backed up.

Well thank you for your concern. Now, when my SSD 'bad sector' fails I'll let you know first.

For everyone else, it does appear that Chrome is having some issue reading its own cache - possibly related to Malwarebytes?

Sadly it is much worse. The problem has existed since 2010. I got rid of it for 5 years, but now it's back!