Weird .DLL files in my folder?

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Sep 4, 2016
Hello. I have made a folder for all my software such as Steam, Spotify, Chrome, Photoshop, etc. One day I go into the folder to find all these weird files and .DLLs in it. ( ( Some files seem to be linked to Origin, which makes me think that all these files are Origin related. However, some files like Platforms have .DLLs with Windows in its name, making me think that it is unsafe to delete them. Any clue as to where abouts these files came from?

Its not the temp dir, its literally a folder I made to tidy up my desktop.

Wait a min, you install all your app in 1 folder?

No man, I install all of them on my D drive, and I put all the shortcuts in the folder. The only non-shortcut app I put in there is Origin, hence why I think all of the weird files are to do with Origin.

Okay, it was indeed Origin. I uninstalled it with the uninstaller wizard that was in the folder, and they all went.
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