What is the cheapest Tegra 3 Tablet


Mar 8, 2012
I'm looking for a cheap tegra 3 tablet, 7", 10", don't really mind. I want it reeall cheap though because I don't have the funds. I heard you can get some for $150, tho I don't know where. Could you please help? :bounce:
Well, the Nexus 7 is $199. You might be able to get it for a bit less on sale, or open box.

I really wouldn't go any lower, as the quality takes a serious nosedive. Everyone else is out to make a profit, whereas google makes revenue on ads and content, so the hardware is sold at cost.

Why Tegra 3 only? It's actually quite an old chip.

Hmm.. I see.
Tegra 3 is what I want because thats what a lot of apps seem to be optimized for and it is cheap

1 thing though, I can't seem to find the Nexus 7 for $199, only the $250 versions, could you provide a link?

good info, Build quailty is also very good, read the customer reviews. thanks


Hey the best cheapest tegra 3 tablet right now is the his sense zero 7 pro and I have one and that thing is beautiful its a beast got it at Walmart 1280 x 800 resolution nice Bluetooth HDMI out WiFi is strong and check this a 5 megapixel rear camera with flash 2 megapixel front cam awesome takes beautiful pictures this tablet doesmevry thing you can do miracast to your TV or you can choose to use a mini HDMI to large HDMI cable to mirror your screen video audio you can check out the tegra zone which is awesome tons of games optimized for tegra chip and oh this chip is not old as some claim and its the faster tegra 3 chip that the GPU runs up to 600 MHz with fast memory speed I agree the tegra 4 has been released now but this tegra 3 is a beast I game on this is thing for hours if you have kids you'll have to hide this tablet from them get your self two g910 wireless game pads and connect via Bluetooth connect your tablet to your TV and you have a console gaming experience I use this tablet as my computer with Bluetooth keyboard and mouse you can also add more storage via SD card or external hard drive get yourself a powered USB hub with otg cable and you are good to go the nexus tab does not have HDMI out nor does it have SD card so you are limited to a lot of features.
The people recommending the off brand Walmart tablet - I would never recommend going with an off brand tablet. The resolution on the tablet - it may be cheaper, but does not compare with the Nexus 7's 1900 x 1200 resolution.

The Nexus 7 is a great idea as well but the Nexus 7 runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU, not a Tegra 3. The only Android tablet that comes pretty close to what the OP wants is EVGA's Tegra Note: http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=016-TN-0701-B1

As I said before tegra 4 is even better if ravu has $150 I would recommend buy the his sense zero 7 pro it goes for $129 + tax brings it to $138 at Walmart I have one and this thing rocks nexus tab does not offer additional storage and and does not have HDMI out. And I can go on and on about the other limited features his sense tab has 5megapixel rear can with flash ' if ravu wants to add $50 to his $150 budget and purchase the tegra note 7 I would totally envy him wow the tegra note with the tegra 4 is a beast and for $199 that's a steal the GPU and. Cpu in tegra 4 chip is faster than snap dragon gives better gaming performance the tegra note has more features than the new nexus 7 nvidia tegra zone is just awesome tons of games optimized for tegra chip with console like gaming experience.

His sense is a brand their is no such thing as a off brand what's the name of your brand tablet company ? His sense zero 7 pro has tegra 3 chip with awesome features