In a previous thread I showed everyone the very first laptop computer: the "Osborne 1," which came about in 1981.
That got me to thinking about when everyone on here got their first laptop. I must admit that I was a bit late getting into the laptop game, as my first was in 2003. Up until then, I was a desktop user back into the late 80's (even though I barely remember the specifics, as I was quite young then). Since 03' though, I've had quite a few laptops (not by choice, which is how one learns a lot about them while taking defective ones apart).
So, when did you get your first laptop?
That got me to thinking about when everyone on here got their first laptop. I must admit that I was a bit late getting into the laptop game, as my first was in 2003. Up until then, I was a desktop user back into the late 80's (even though I barely remember the specifics, as I was quite young then). Since 03' though, I've had quite a few laptops (not by choice, which is how one learns a lot about them while taking defective ones apart).
So, when did you get your first laptop?