Where to Connect?


Jul 8, 2014
Just got an X92 android smart tv box(marshmallow) I have an Onkyo Tx-NR-838 7.2 AV receiver w/4k hdcp 2.2 pass through and I have a Vizio M43-C1 4k tv also w/hdcp 2.2. I've tried hooking up to Onkyo(game hdmi input) when I do this and go to netflix on TV I get sound from the cablebox channel,not from netflix.So I moved the X92's HDMI to the Vizio's Hdmi Port 5(4k@60hz which is the specs of the x92) The Onkyo's output has been in the Vizio's Hdmi's port 1 for years(4k@30hz Arc control) The problem when connected to Vizio is when the X92 is on the input of the tv automatically switches OFF port 1 onto Port 5 I called Vizio and they have NO iDEA.sORRY THIS IS SO LONG,BUT ANT HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
" I have an Onkyo Tx-NR-838 7.2 AV receiver w/4k hdcp 2.2 pass through and I have a Vizio M43-C1 4k tv also w/hdcp 2.2. I've tried hooking up to Onkyo(game hdmi input) when I do this and go to netflix on TV I get sound from the cablebox channel,not from netflix."

Did you select the input on Onkyo? or maybe somehow you have connected the cablebox input to the "game" input? that was why sounds from cablebox but not the TV?
I turned off Cec on Vizio and changed it to ARC.This solved the problem of the X92 switching the inout settings on Vizio.I'm going to try to move the X92 back to the game hdmi input on the Onkyo as I would would rather have more control with less remotes.We'll see if I can get sound when I use Netfix App on my Vizio NOT the X92