Which one to get itouch or archos 705


Jun 8, 2007
I like video as well as audio but i can't decide which one to get

the itouch 16gb
archos 705 160gb

Thing is itouch has things which i don't like:

Battery has to be replaced at factory BIG MINUS
16gb space not much space for videos and music
Screen is larger than video ipod but not as big as archos 705

battery life not as good as itouch
big, really big hard to put this in your pocket has 7 inch lcd 800x480 pixels 😀

archos pro:
has 160gb of storage

other than that they have same features but archos can play just about any format of video and audio ie. flac,xvid,divx and archos can br plugged into tv or monitor using the media base and playback video at dvd quality.

If you want FLAC then drop the iTouch 'cause it will not support it.

I too am looking for a PMP that supports FLAC and uses flash memory rather than a hard drive. I'm considering video playback as well.

I think I have settled on the Cowon D2, but I'm waiting for the 8GB version to come out. I was hoping for a 16GB version, but it seems they will not release one. The good thing is that it will support HCSD (High Capacity SD) cards up to 8GBs (at the moment), but the specifications for HCSD cards is up to 32GB. That just might be more than the cost of the 8GB Cowon D2 when the 32GB HCSD cards are first released.

I'm guessing the street price will be about $325 based on the current price of the 4GB version (~$190) when it is released near the end of this year. Just in time for Christmas?

Cowon D2 feature list.

Below is a link to a YouTube review of the Cowon D2 (4GB version) from May 2007:


Oh yeah, the Archos 705 does not support FLAC either.

Perhaps RockBox will release a BIOS for it (and the iTouch) someday:


AnythingbutiPod.com is a good source of PMP news and reviews:

705 is still not out so i decided to get the archos 605 wifi all i have to say is WOW screen res 800x600 160gb hd.
Has flash web browser,dvd and h.264,mepg-4 compatible 😀 runs xvids, divix and dvd in native resolution!.
4.3 inch screen vs 3.5 inch screen itouch
records via pvr station from sat dish,cable box can output to monitor.
Can also record via tiny strap-on cam for sports events.
This thing has alot of accessories already including an fm+remote,travel adapters and chargers and a battery dock a dock with a battery that extends play and is portable with video out for tv-monitors and charges unit as well.

1st time i used it i got 6hrs of video playback its same price as the ipod touch 16gb sure it does not have eye candy of flow art or the landscape detect but with 160gb and xvid,divix playback ill take that any day over eye candy.

No conversion needed for video id like to see an ipod do that saves soooo much time this unit is MUCH more portable than 705.

Also does pdf for ebooks! web browser is not bad can play back video from you tube they expect to have games and widgets soon. :bounce:

I have heard that someone made flow art for it but the website is in french and my french is a little rusty.

I bought all the plug-ins brought price to ipod touch 16gb was cheaper alone but i need web browser and native dvd support as well as h.264 podcast codec, i just drag and drop my dvd on to it and play 😀 .
Well... I guess my opinion is abit too late, but.....
You can't even compare an iPhone Touch to a huge Archos... it's like comparing an apple to a watermelon.

Pros for the 705
40, 80, and 160 GB's
Huge ass 7'' screen
Over 16 million colors
Video playback (After the two $20.00 plug-ins) MKV, MPEG2/4 along with the regular AVI, WMV, H.264
Audio playback (after those same $20.00 plug-ins) AC3, ACC, MP3, WAV,WMA

With the exclusion of some of the more major codecs like FLAC,OGG,ACE,MP4, FLV, I'm disspointed in Archos for not extending a way that you could simply drag and drop codecs into a folder (That would WAY to easy and not profitable)

I have a lot of Archos products, and my reviews on eBay are all good, I know all the good and bad that comes with Archos, they don't tend to change any of their errors from the 4 Series... they need to wait for new advances in screen and storage technology before they release a new series or it's pointless, their all going to have the same hardware with only minor software changes.

I would of waited for the 705, from what I heard, the 4 Series was riddled with problems, hence the 5 series being hasty released with-in months and not the next year which would of made scene.

Pro for iTouch?
It's small, the 16GB's fits for it's size. Expect the iTouch to reach 50GB's I have no doubt it can or will. In the long run, the iTouch will never reach the same level as any Archos product.
One thing I am finding is that I can't use the Archos 605 as a pvr and then upload to my nas for later viewing.

Sound is ok but video doesnt come out on my pc, and video is fine but no sound on my Buffalo Linktheatre....so close but so far away!!
I'm considering the Archos. I really want something only for video. Travel a lot for work and constantly on a plane. Looking for something that I can download movies or tv programs from my home tv directly. Does archos do this?
@ Centercity

I have a archos 5 120 gig. I use Media center for recording TV. I have found that Media player does not do a great job converting and syncing the player. Maybe it's because I am running 64 bit?????? I got fed up and bought AVS for converting. It is fairly fast and easy to use.

The archos also has a "Hard drive mode" where you won't have to sync it.... just drag and drop your media files.

I had a 80 gig zune and the archos is clearly a better video player.