Windows 8 laptop


Apr 29, 2016
How do I delete internet's browsers history and cookies..any help out there ?..thnx..
Yes,..Hi all !..It wasn't me that answered my own question to this topic, there must be a misunderstanding
or maybe I created a post error.
This question was answered to me by computer expert, Laptop_Nerd, and was solved like within a couple of minutes !..
Great Stuff !..


Hi Laptop_Nerd ! :) Thanks man ! first time on this forum and already enjoying the quick replies !
Brilliant !..keep up the the good knowledge and connections !..have an awesome day ! Would like to say to all out there that I didn't answer my own question in regards to my topic, there must be a misunderstanding or I created an error myself with my reply, it's my first time on this site.
This question was answered and solved by Laptop_Nerd and was like within a couple of minutes, well done !..Great to have you around !..