Winmx? Kazza? Bearshare? Napster? which works ?


Sep 11, 2001
I used Napster till it Ended and tryed Kazza with no luck, Tryed winmx its so slow and never get a complete mp3 discusted with the whole mess. has or does anyone know of a site thats free, fast and doesn't use spyware??

dazed and confused with all this puter stuff
finally got a complete download from winmx, alittle complicated to add servers too. how fast is aimster?

dazed and confused with all this puter stuff
I think BearShare works.

Please visit <b><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></b>
If you use a combination of WinMx and Morpheus, you should be able to get just about any songs.

<font color=blue>Jesus saves...</font color=blue><font color=red>and takes half damage!</font color=red>
I use Kazaa and I like it. I can find pretty much anything I want there, and just don't install the SpyWare when you are doing the install.

<font color=red>"I'm not gonna launch a $2 million missile at a $10 tent and hit a camel's butt." -Bush</font color=red>
Done that and unfortunatly found spyware anyway.. its probably harmless but who wants somone looking at and recording all you web movements??? any way as far i can tell winmx doesnot have spyware.. at least the program i have installed cant detect any.. guess i will stay with winmx, its slow but it does work..

dazed and confused with all this puter stuff
I have used Winmx for about 6 months off and on. My speeds have varied depending on the connection and time of day. I have a cable modem and the speeds I see from other DSLs or Cable Modems are 20-40 kbps. The fastest I have downloaded is over 170kbps and an occasional one is the 50-70 range. Morpheus was limited and slower for me. The others have spyware and I got rid of them. I only use the Winmx server (the one at the top) and none of the others. I would like to know how to configure it to use others and where I might find them. Hope this helps.
i have used winmx for a while now.. sometimes its fast but not very often any way i will try to post a link for winmx info and on this site it has a link for more servers.. a bunch more problem is most wont let you connect. found a couple that will.. mmn15. try this one it will connect and is ok still unreliable. let me know if you find any that are fast and or stable. to add just take mouse over the nappster links in winmx server window and click ADD then type the info off the list from the site below and it will take a bunch of patience till you get one that will not reject you connection.. hope this helps.

dazed and confused
Today, Saturday 17:th of November I an running both KaZaA and Limewire (Gnutella) and I like the Limewire program but KaZaA supports downloading, reconnecting somewhat better.
I "belive" that Napster with the addition of Napigator "should" work but for some reason Napster does not work at all anymore in my computer.
Does no-one like <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>?

Works pretty well for me, with the added bonus that you can easily search for and specify songs to download from anywhere (work?) on the web and it'll download at home.

Not too shabby!

<b>Get your stinking claws off me, you damn dirty ape!</b>
<i><font color=blue>formerly elphls</font color=blue></i>
well never tryed audiogalaxy,looked at it once and it wanted a lot of personal info and wasn't confortable with that.. person could use an web based e-mail and fake the rest i guess but how fast is the downloads?? do the serches give a lot of choices?? thanks for the input

dazed and confused
D/l is obviously conx dependant on both sides. But i usually get about 25-40Kb/s from my mate's cable conx on audiogalaxy. It seems to use max bandwidth.

When you search, you get a choice of matches and each of those has 'a number' of download sites associated with it. It seems pretty good.

I've downloaded some pretty rare funk and reggae grooves from there with no problems.

Give it a try

<b>Get your stinking claws off me, you damn dirty ape!</b>
<i><font color=blue>formerly elphls</font color=blue></i>
Morpheus has been the best for me and I have tried them all. Be sure to look out for *.exe files that may look like a MP3 file to get you to download a virus.