Word to HTML conversion software like dreamweaver


Nov 29, 2012
I am attempting to convert word to html. I was originally having issues with borders not actually showing up.

I have resolved that with a little adjustment to the converted HTML with converting a few =0 to =1.

But now my issue is alignment of boxes with borders.

I 3 boxes that are supposed to be aligned in a row left, center, and right. When I convert to HTML they just end up stacked from top to bottom.

Does anyone know of a software that can convert better, or maybe a line of code that can resolve this?
Yeah, we actually use dev express to convert, but it starts as a word document because the client that wants this done does not understand that the html editing is involved. When we started this project it was a simple word document with no borders and just straight up and down the page, recently they have decided they wanted it to change and aren't willing to pay enough for us to justify dreamweaver.