Youtube quality drop 60fps

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Abdin Johnsson

Mar 14, 2017
Hi, this is my first thread here on this forum sorry if I do something wrong. I want to upload some gaming videos to Youtube but I couldn't decide what recorder software to use finally I decided to use shadowplay or action (one of them) but the problem is that when I record with 60 fps in 1080p and 30fps 1080p the quality in both are great except one thing, Youtube! when I upload 60fps video to youtube my video quality gets bad but if I upload same video with 30fps the quality is great no matter what shadowplay or action it happens in both of them what can it depend on? pls help me.


I dont know what to say, it is not that the text is not clear contrast is a bit different, the clarity is the same but the colors seems to me a bit different. The 30 fps one has a higher gamma or stronger contrast and the 60 fps one is more washed out, as clarity they both seems the same.

I use microsoft edge which have flash player in itself can that be reason? but if you look closely in 1080p the quality in 30fps look bit better. I testet refreshing the page and changing quality.
I said to try to click on the settings wheel and on the desired resolution one more time, refreshing the page does nothing. Also try to use chrome of firefox, edge is shit like internet explorer.

I did what you said still nothing are you sure you don't see any difference between 30fps and 60fps video look at the texts. I use 1920x1200 monitor can that be the reason?
I dont know what to say, it is not that the text is not clear contrast is a bit different, the clarity is the same but the colors seems to me a bit different. The 30 fps one has a higher gamma or stronger contrast and the 60 fps one is more washed out, as clarity they both seems the same.

OK thank you for helping me.
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