26 DSLR Report ...How lame.


Nov 7, 2006
It is really obvious why I stick with Tom's Hardware for computers and other sites like www.dpreview.com for camera reviews.
There the bias goes from forum to forum, but the site reviews tend to be less bias than this one has shown to be. The comments at the start - from "my 5D, and the obvious glowings over Canon cameras show the authors bias.
Then when it came time to comment on the new offerings from Olympus, things that should have been touted as new and innovative were barely touched on or ignored altogether.
New for Oly.
1) E410 - the lightest smallest DSLR there is, period.
2) Liveview on the 410 & 510 - Must be something to it. Canon is now offering it on a 4000.00 camera. Oly brought it to the table with the E330 first.
3) IS - A great thing to have ...NOW BUILT INTO A DSLR BODY ..first time, I believe.
4) Dustbuster - Could not find it mentioned. Oly brought it out first on the E1 - then every OLY DSLR that followed. It works - period. Finally Canon and Sony admitted that they needed one, implemented it - but theirs halfway works or not at all according to tests. Read one Canon 5D user comments on dust on the sensor. He remarked that he never has problems with dust on the sensor ..he just cleaned it daily.
5) Oh ..the comment on the 4/3 system. Well, some may not like it - but it is the only system built from the ground up for digital, and the new sensors have shown that the 10 mgpix from a 410 or 510 are on par with anything else in it's price range, and many cameras costing way more. And you can use wide angle lenses without problems.
The quality of the lenses and build quality of the bodies were obviously not much of an issue.
Gimme a break!
Thought about this, and I was probably a bit too vocal on this.
May just be that the author needs to do a bit more research to do a better review.
There is a good bit of info there, to be sure - just seemed to really neglect some real milestones that DSLR buyers should be aware of.