I am having a similar problem with my Bose Soundlink II speaker when I connect it to my Lenovo mini-desktop PC running Windows10 64-bit with a 2.9GHz i5 and 16GB of RAM with Bluetooth on the motherboard. If I stream video, (YouTube) the sound will periodically cut out for parts of a second. When it does, the audio lags the video by the length of the pause, and each subsequent pause of the audio adds to the lag time - every gap in the audio gets it that much further behind.
If I pause the YouTube video, the video display stops immediately, but the audio continues to play for the length of the sound lag. When I restart the video, they're back in sync...for a bit. It's as if the audio is being temporarily "buffered" somewhere because it doesn't get lost, it just gets behind in time. It appears I am having the same issue on my HP laptop, but not nearly as bad. The laptop is also running Windows10, but with a Celeron processor.
The speaker is within a couple feet of the Bluetooth antenna (at least I'm assuming this black antenna on the back of the case is the Bluetooth antenna) and there's nothing between them but a couple cables and the shelf the speaker is sitting on. And I make sure the Bose is only connected to one computer at a time.
Could this be a problem with my Bluetooth driver or the YouTube driver? Could it be a problem with the priority of the drivers? Is there a way to increase the priority? Could the Bose be stuck "processing" the audio data? That seems unlikely, but I don't know.
Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
Fuzzbucket :
Hello, I have UE Boom protable bluetooth speakers that I am trying to make work with my PC. Everything connects fine, but the audio cuts in and out every few seconds. The problem is the same regardless of the program or audio format. I have a mouse and keyboard connected via bluetooth that work flawlessly. I have no problems connecting the speaker to any other devices. I had the exact same problem when I connected a different BT speaker (Bose Soundlink Mini II). I've verified that all the drivers are up to date (I think). I've tried moving the speaker closer, disabling and disconnecting my other speakers, turning off all other bluetooth devices, turning off wifi, and even doing a clean intall of Windows (for other reasons) and none of that worked. Any advice or suggestions? Should I try another BT adaptor? Thanks!
Computer stats
Bluetooth: Kinivo USB adaptor BTD-400.
OS: Vista 64-bit
Processor: AMD Phenom 8650 Triple-Core Processor
Memory: 4 GB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT